Ready to enjoy Laconia Motorcycle Week in 2022? Riding a motorcycle is one of the greatest past times one can do... It's something you need to experience to truly understand. But as every rider knows, when you're hungry and it's time to take a break, you need to find the right place to go. Anika's Pizza is that place!

We offer something for all the bikers taking place in the 2022 Laconia Motorcycle Week. Looking for real NH style Pizza? We got it. Looking for real Philly Cheesesteaks? Got that. Looking for a hoagie (sub sandwich) to go? We got it. Want extra meat on your pizza? We got it! Want vegan cheese and pepperoni? Yeah, we got that too! We offer a wide selection of food to satisfy your cravings so you can get back out there and ride.

Stop by Anika's Pizza today. Need directions: Here's a direct link to Google Map Directions: Anika's Pizza on Google Maps. We are across the street from the Old Country Store in Moultonborough.

"I feel warm inside. On the motorbike. The wind is all around. On the motorbike. We are free. The motorcycle and me"  -Daniel Ash, David Jay, Kevin Haskins