Everyone keeps asking about our menu and why we didn't post it on our website. The short answer is, we never have time. The long answer is, we never have time. However, we made the time and now our menu can be seen right on our website!

We have spent countless hours on this menu, originally basing it off of the previous owners menu, using prices from 2016, and well, that wasn't working out so well for us (prices are up considerably since then). We then updated our pricing, then adjusted again, then adjusted again, and well, we are tired of adjusting our menu! The good news is, prices are down slightly (and significantly on some items), depending on which menu you picked up from us. We also added a few extra toppings on our specialty pizzas. We will soon (when we have time) have online ordering as well, but in the meantime, feel free to check out our menu!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!"  -Devo.